Friday, May 30, 2014

Bak to Jerusalem

Today we got to wake up slow. Our class didn’t start until 9:15 so that meant that I got to leisurely wake up, eat breakfast and enjoy some quiet time in the sun reading.

            We spent part of the mornings lecture going over Israel’s Proclamation of Independence. It was very interesting to see how the state of Israel presented its values and identity and independence in this document. The first half of the document went over the history of the Jewish people, and legitimized the reason for having an independent Jewish state. The second half focused on the setting up of an independent, democratic, Jewish state. It was an interesting exercise to critically read through this document that is controversial. It was interesting as well to see some parallels as well with the Declaration of Independence. After we had read this document over and processed it for a while, we walked across the new city to the Shalom Hartmon Institute, a Jewish educational center, where we talked to Dr. Marci Lenk, an orthodox Jew who immigrated Israel in her twenties, returned to the states to get doctorate in early Biblical studies, and then returned again to Israel.  We went through the Proclamation with her. We were able to get a better understanding of what Israel stood for, what Israelis believed about their country.  It was interesting to see how the Israeli government decided to deal with their Jewishness and democracy. It was very beneficial to talk over this important document and these issues with an Israeli. We briefly brought up the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and even though we barely scratched the surface, it was good to hear an insider’s opinion. I still don’t know enough top form a well-educated opinion of my own, but this talk was very helpful and very open.

            I spent the afternoon relaxing in the New City, eating gelato and drinking coffee. It was a good time where the group of us were able to learn more about each other and just become closer. It was a well-deserved time of relaxation after a long week in the desert.

            In the evening, Dr. Lenk came to JUC to have Shabbat diner with us. It was such an amazing opportunity to share in a Shabbat meal with Dr. Lenk and to learn about the customs, traditions and culture concerning the Shabbat, both the day and the meal.  As a group we went through the traditional songs and liturgy of meal as we sat and ate together. As the meal was winding down we were able to hear more from Dr, Lenk about the Jewish culture and were able to ask her questions. It was a good time to be open with one another and it was very special to have her be so willing to share her religion and customs with us.

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