Thursday, June 5, 2014

Following the Gosple

            Today we explored the area around the Sea of Galilee, and we followed the gospel narrative around the sea. We headed out early from our hostel on the north shore and headed to the east side of the lake. There we were able to get on a boat and head out to the middle of the lake. The wind had been howling all morning and blowing from the west. This meant that the sea was pretty choppy and rough. As we sailed out into the rough waters one of the guys in our group read Mark chapters 4 and 5 for us. It was really cool to read about how Jesus calmed the same sea I was on. It was an awesome connection to have. As we sailed around the sea, I could just see how awesome Jesus was, to calm a greater storm in a smaller boat that was taking on water. When we docked we were at Kursi, the site that is remembered to have the caves where the man possessed by the demon named Legion from Mark 5 would have lived. It was again such an experience to read this story and then look out and see the cliff the pigs would have jumped off of; another layer was added to the story. Today was so amazing because I got to see these sites where Jesus walked and performed miracles, and the stories in the gospel felt very real.

            We then headed back north to Capernum, Jesus’ adopted town. We wandered around this ancient trade and fishing center and we saw the remains of Peter’s house, which had been turned into a church at the very beginning of Christianity. Today there is a church above the site. I walked out and sat at the edge of the sea. Here I decided to continue reading Mark, and decided read from chapter four, where Jesus preached his first parable, the parable of the sower, to those on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. What really stood out to me was verse 19, “but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and desire for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce crop,” Mark 19-20. The past few months have been hard on me. I have seen the limitations of my body, through injury, and it’s been hard and frustrating trying to figure out my own limits and figuring out my situation in general. I also am very unsure of what I want to do in my future, and as old plans I had for myself start to fade away and graduation is coming nearer, I am very worried about what I should be doing. Through these hardships and doubts, it’s been hard to trust that God has a plan for me, and recently I have been wrestling what it means practically to put my hope in God. I have been scared of what it might mean to put my full trust in God. I had just been reflecting on all of this as I read this parable. The words of verse 19 just really stood out to me.  These worries that have been consuming my thoughts for the past few months, worries about my health and my future career, have been taking me away from the hope I have in God. This worry will lead to unfruitfulness, but putting my hope in God will cause a, “crop to be produced.” It is so awesome when scripture speaks to us in the moment.

            Next along our trip around the lake was the typical Galilean town of Chorazim. Here we talked mostly about the Jewish culture and customs. One interesting topic that we addressed, was marriage. Once married, the groom would take his bride to his father’s house, a compound really, the Bet Ab, where a room would have been prepared and built for them to start there life and family in. It is this image that Jesus uses as her to prepare a room in his father’s house, the Bet Ab, heaven, were, one it is ready, we will join him for eternity.

            Our last stop of the day before returning to Jerusalem, was along the cliffs of Arbel. It was a 2000 foot drop from the top of tis cliff to the sea below us. We got to hike down the side of the cliff and explore the caves in the cliff face. It was awesome to climb down having to use the staples and rope that were put in place. It was nice to get a chance to really explore the awesome landscape of the country. It was pretty gnarly!

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